Spring Clean, Liver Cleanse
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, the spring season is associated with the liver and gallbladder channels or organ systems. We often think of spring cleaning our homes, but we should cleanse our bodies as well. The liver is our body's most important detoxification organ, and we need to give it an occasional scrub. An annual liver cleanse is a great idea, and spring is the perfect time!
TCM teaches us that when the liver is running smoothly, the qi will flow with ease throughout the body. When the liver and gallbladder are imbalanced the qi would be described as being stagnant or stuck. Some of the many physical and emotional symptoms of this imbalance include: headaches, teeth grinding, eye issues or vision changes, feeling hot all the time, pms, fibroids, prostate inflammation, irritability, anger, impatience, hip and rib area pain, neck and shoulder tension, flares of inflammatory disorders such as gout or arthritis, regular wakings between 1am and 3am, an overall feeling of pessimism, and more.
Stress and anger will quickly throw the liver off balance, so stress management such as working out or meditation is important. Additionally, late night eating and overeating creates stagnation and prevents our body from cleaning and repairing at night.
Help Your Liver/Gallbladder Channels:
• Now is the time to renew and rejuvenate your body from the inside out. Simply put, it is time to focus on digestion and detoxification. And spring is the perfect time for a cleanse! Chinese Medicine offers many liver cleanses to clear it all out. But a simple warm water with lemon each morning is a great, easy cleanse anyone can do.
• The liver is the main organ relating to emotions in TCM theory. Releasing negative emotions helps us to feel reinvigorated and ready for new beginnings. Try something new or refocus your energy on a new goal. Do more of what makes you happy!
• The liver opens into the eyes. Remember to take breaks when looking at screens for extended periods of time.
• The liver controls the tendons, and tight tendons make us most susceptible to injuries. So start stretching every day and make sure to warm up properly prior to exercise.
• The liver is related to your ability to plan ahead, while the gallbladder is related to your ability to finalize decisions. Ask for help and be easy on yourself when planning for a big change or stressful event.
• The liver is related to the element of WOOD in TCM. So, get outside as often as possible. A hike or walk in the woods is perfect! Yoga and meditation are also ideal to balance the liver energy.
• Focus on self-care. Visit your acupuncturist at least seasonally for general wellness. Pay attention to those liver/gallbladder channel imbalances and address them promptly. Acupuncture is a great way to get qi moving and support your general well-being, especially during seasonal changes.
• Foods that nourish your liver include: Whole grains like brown rice, barley, millet, quinoa, spelt, kamut oats and wheat berries are all helpful. Mung beans, kale, collards, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, mustard greens, leek, daikon tops, carrot tops, radish greens, turnip tops, dandelion greens, fresh herbs, sauerkraut, miso, lemon, pickled/fermented vegetables, and vinegar.
Primal Herb LVR-RENEW is our recommended, gentle way to cleanse and give your liver the spring clean it really needs! (In stock at Clover Acupuncture)
This powerhouse formula includes turkey tail extract, milk thistle, cracked shell reishi spore, poria, schisandra, dandelion root, licorice extract, monk fruit, and black pepper extract.
#AcupunctureNutrition #TCMWoodSpring #TCMLiverChannel